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Dancing Duck 500ml Bottles in River
In 2013, Rachel Matthews asked us to create a full set of bottle labels for her Dancing Duck range of…
Fuller's Hardknott Peat Souper 6 pack
Hardknott Brewery have recently created Peat Souper in a new collaboration project with six of its brewing friends. The “Fuller’s…
Urban Island Bottles
We have worked with Urban Island Brewery for over a year now, so thought it would be a nice time…
Stannary Brewery Bottles
Chris John & Garry White created Stannary Brewing Company in April 2016, initially brewing just a Pale Ale and a…
At LemonTop Creative, we often tell people we are a branding agency, creating brand identities for businesses, especially breweries, throughout…
Quantock Flying Hopsman Bottles
Quantock Brewery, home to many of Somerset’s finest craft beers, have added a very special drink to their range. Flying…