Catch up on the latest news, events and useful tips from the team at Lemontop. #happyaslarry

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5 reasons to use LemonTop Creative in 2014
2013 was another year of growth for many of our clients with  even more companies starting up and existing companies…
Have a very merry Christmas
We thought we’d have a bit of of festive fun here at LemonTop Creative so why not grab a cup…
Hardknott Launch Cumbria's Strongest beer
LemonTop Clients Hardknott Brewery have just launched the latest edition of their strong barley wine style beer, Granite, It weighs…
We’ve recently been working with Purity Brewing Co on the digital side of their business but more about that soon…
Truefitt Brewery limited edition bottle labels and pump clips
After creating the initial brand along with the core range pump clips and bottle labels for Truefitt Brewery,  we’ve continuted…
Don't let distance be an issue
Let us impress you with our creativity and design… We are currently working with a number of companies across the…