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Catch up on the latest news, events and useful tips from the team at Lemontop. #happyaslarry

Dutch design firm Studio Roosegaarde has created a futuristic concept that could make driving through dark, country roads a safer…
Award winning film and animation director Woof Wan-Bau has created this animated video for Penguin Books to promote a new…
Worsthorne Brewery
We recently produced some new bottle labels for Worsthorne Brewery using their logo and elements inspired by their current pump…
Emerald is Pantone's 2013 colour of the year
It’s traditional that this time of year, Pantone Colour Institute, the designer’s bible of colour, announce their colour of the…
Red Stripe Beer Serenades Customers
At LemonTop Creative we do a lot of work with breweries around the country, designing packaging, as well as creating…
3 to 1 exercise machine
For all those who are going to overindulge over the Christmas period, this new concept in home exercise machines could…